West Ban Xai Function.

On Saturday 20th April the residents of West Ban Xai held a function to thank Mivac for the work that has been done by them in providing water and toilets to the village. The function was attended by Mr Sonsaone . First Secretary to Phoukood District and the district Health

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Ban Xai Holiday News 14th April – Final Report

Ban Xai Holiday News 14th April. Today is our last day at Ban Xai ,and what a wonderful experience we’ve had over the past two months. We have become very fond of the people we have met and their ways which is gentle, considerate and respectful   a way of

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Work to Erase War’s Traces – from “The Senior”

Work to Erase War’s Traces. Thanks to the “The Senior” for their permission to use the following article.   by SIMON GARNER   Much of Rob Woolley’s service during the Vietnam war involved finding and destroying land mines, unexploded ordnance and booby traps. “I’ve seen what minefields can do: Australian

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Ban Xai News 2nd April

Ban Xai News 2nd April Luang Prabang is a gentle city along the banks of the Mekong River ,wonderful Buddhist temples , saffron draped monks ,young tourists,  all in a slightly old French atmosphere. The tourist centre around the hill of Phu Si with a gilded stupa called That Chompsi

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Ban Xai News 28th March

BAN XAI NEWS 28th March We need to renew our visa today so we are in Phonsovan . Luckily we can extend for another month here without leaving the country, so we thought we would take the opportunity and travel to Luang Prabang for the weekend. It is Easter in

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Ban Xai News 25th March

Ban Xai News 25th March The policeman will be spending his first night in his new house. His day was spent moving furniture and bits and pieces .It all looks pretty good. We are the talk of the town with the you beaut sprinkling system in place. Several of the

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John Salter Reports on visit by Howard Sullivan.

Howards Adventures. Howard Sullivan , water man of note, Crow’s Nest Rotarian, and bloody nice bloke, arrived with us on Tuesday. He went straight to Hinmou Peung to scope the land and have a chat with the Naiban, returning to Phonsavan late evening for a few beers and meal at

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Ban Xai News 24th March.

The Ban Xai  MiVAC community is flourishing , the watermelon seed have  sprouted as have the snow peas and the bananas look fantastic and the pumpkins have many flowers —– we have reticulated water so no more carrying of watering cans …… David is putting together a sprinkling system which

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Rotary Man Leads Water Supply Work

Here is a story about the Rotary Water Task at Ban Xai which was led by Hugh Hamlyn-Harris when he was the Site Supervisor. The story was printed in the North Shore times which you can read here. The featured photo (click on it) is the MiVAC sign which now

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