December 2023 Newsletter

Although sadly we were severely hindered in constructing our water supply projects in
Vietnam, our MiVAC Board and Executive Committee have been actively examining possible
new projects for 2024. 

We have changed our focus from the larger 2-3 year projects we have completed or planned
in the past, to more of the shorter duration projects – with lengths limited to 2-4 weeks.
We believe this will simplify a lot of the administrative burden on the projects and will open
up the opportunity for more volunteers to help, who might be “time-poor” to be able to
volunteer for longer periods. 

The list of possible projects we are looking at include several small water supply projects in
Timor-Leste (T-L), and also wells in orphanages in Vietnam. There may also be the
possibility of installing water purification kits to schools and villages in T-L.

Please click here to download our latest newsletter.